سندرم مرد گرگنما: واقعیت علمی پشت افسانههای قدیمی
تصور کنید که بدن شما بهطور غیرطبیعی با لایهای از موهای ضخیم و تیره پوشیده
شده باشد؛ موهایی که نه تنها در بخشهایی از بدن بلکه روی صورت، دستها، و حتی
5 hours ago
I appreciate your linking to my blog post... my regular blog is also on blogspot... buffalosquirrels.blogspot.com I will add you to the sidebar
It's exactly like this.I had such a patient with abdominal pain who I thought was exagerating his pain, he had a history of minor abdominal trauma.He wouldn't let me examine his abdomen and just kept crying.I didn't even imagine that he might had ruptured his spleen, but yes, he had and the abd ultrasound came back with lots of free fluid in the abd and a ruptured spleen.
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