Saturday, May 22, 2010



Today is my first day in toxicology service as a rotational resident. Toxicology was my favorite field for years and despite my favor is decreased recent years (as I get acquainted with a more interesting field -EM-), I really love it yet.
I'll spend my one month toxicology course in Loghman hospital, the main toxicology referral center in Iran, with EM residents from all over Iran. It has a nearly crowded ED; with toxicology cases that any EM resident wishes to see them.

This was my story; and what I have for you?
Here are useful toxicology & toxinology links:
emedicine- emergency medicine articles (toxics and toxins both involved)
TOXNET - Databases on toxicology, hazardous chemicals, environmental health, and toxic releases

any good link, you know? please comment me to add them


Unknown said...

Hi Doc,
Nice to c u in new blog!
I reckon, knowing toxicology is a must for all EM doctors! But, as a suggestion, can you write more about your cases.
What's the commonest OD in Iran?
Definitley, you wittness a lot of exciting cases there!

Arash Safaie said...

thanx Mona
I surely write about cases more
and I glad as u r my first commenter

Mona said...

Hahahaha, you're welcome!
please cross finger for me, a big exam next week!!

maysam said...

eeee arash man ghabool nadaram...
I was the firm one who wants to post a comment in ur new weblog but i think u did someyhing exactly for me that i could not...
doesn't matter...

maysam said...

although i am firm but "i was the first one" was correct ;)

Arash Safaie said...

I see, I see u r very firm... lol