The Good
Yesterday, we had an osce as a part of our annual evaluation. The exam had 12 stations (2 of them were rest). Stations included Research, ATLS, ACLS, Neurological Examination, EKGs, Slides (2 stations), Seizure, Drug Seeker Patient and Airway Management. Althogh the exam designing was good; but it seems the last year exam was better in content, designing and execution. The Good for the exam was its joint execution between our ED and Iran's. The Bad
The exam was a real pity for me. I did Bad in nearly all stations and the worst was EKGs.
The Ugly
It seems cheating is something in our blood and we can't live without it. In abstract some of us cheated yesterday. I think there were nothing more ugly than this.
* Pics: Corporate America's Good, Bad and the Ugly
* Pics: Corporate America's Good, Bad and the Ugly